Photography by Magda Hoffman
Ella Boyd
Elmhurst Ballet School, Birmingham
One of my first ambassadors, Ella is a wonderful dancer and over the years has commissioned some truly beautiful skirts for photo shoots.
Have a look
Hello, my name is Ella. I am 14 years old and a Year 10 student at Elmhurst Ballet School.
I wanted to become an ambassador for Freda Silk because I love the styles and fabrics available and they absolutely suit my personal style.
FS: Do you recall when or how you caught the dance bug?
EB: I went to my first ballet class when I was two years old, my mum thought it would be something fun for me to do but I don’t think she anticipated how important it would become or that I would eventually move away to school when I was 11!
You are a student at Elmhurst Ballet School – can you briefly describe a typical day?
School days are long, finishing at 6pm because we have ballet and dance training as well as our academic subjects and we take RAD classes on Saturdays. On the weekend we can go on trips organised by school or we can go out with our friends or family.
Do you learn choreography at school? And do you enjoy this or prefer to perform other people’s steps?
Elmhurst Ballet School holds an annual choreography competition for all year groups and this is a big event in school’s calendar. At the moment my preference is to perform other people’s choreography and I am looking forward to the next competition.
Do you have any interaction with Birmingham Royal Ballet?
Elmhurst Ballet School operates in association with Birmingham Royal Ballet and has close links with them across all year groups throughout the year. We watch Birmingham Royal Ballet perform regularly and most recently Arancha Baselga took a pointe class with my year group.
Do you ever get to perform on stage with BRB?
Depending on the production, there are opportunities for students at Elmhurst Ballet School to perform with Birmingham Royal Ballet. I was lucky to be chosen as one of four girls to perform with them at an event in Birmingham in association with Selfridges.
Do you concentrate on classical ballet or can you also learn other dance styles, like contemporary?
The majority of our training focuses on classical ballet and we also take classes in contemporary and jazz.
What is your favourite ballet of all time?
Without doubt, my favourite ballet is Romeo and Juliet.
Do you feel that as well as technical ability it is also essential for a dancer to understand music and have a certain degree of acting skill?
I think understanding music is an essential skill for a ballet dancer. I have studied flute for the last six years and I think this has definitely helped me progress.
I’m not a dancer but I love the elegance and grace of the clothes worn by ballet dancers. Do you take it for granted now or do you get excited about a new ballet skirt, shoes etc?
I am always super excited to receive a new piece of ballet clothing, whatever it is and there’s nothing like a new pair of pointe shoes.
Do you have some essential/favourite things that you keep in your dance bag?
Plenty of water, lip balm, spare tights, a large roll of toe tape and plenty of plasters!
Who is your ballet idol?
This is easy, Celine Gittens.
How do you relax?
With a big mug of hot tea! When I go home I like to catch up with my friends and I also go to Pilates classes.
Favourite Freda Silk skirt!
I love my Freda Silk practice circle skirts which I have in Mustardseed and Rose Quartz
Follow Ella on Instagram @ellaboydxx